Online10 Best 3-credit Courses for Teachers 2023-2024 | Application & Requirements
We are pleased to inform you about Online10 Best 3-credit Courses for Teachers 2023-2024 | Application & Requirements
if you wish to broaden your educational experience as a teacher. These three-credit online courses that will be presented in this article can help you accomplish that.
You can select the most appropriate online course for your educational needs or classroom environment from the many that are offered. Here is a list of the top 10 online 3-credit courses for teachers to aid in your decision-making. This collection includes classes on assessment and evaluation as well as courses on educational technology, so there is something for everyone.
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The 10 Best 3 Credit Courses for Teachers Online
Below are the best 3 credit courses for teachers online
1. EDUO 9057: Enhanced Flipped Learning
(FLGI) this course was designed to improve your Flipped Learning skillset substantially.
This course concentrates on the growth of a Flipped Learning Unit and leads the partaker or participant through a stringent process of reflection, assessment, and change (transformation). The course requires that the participant reflects on their teaching/andragogy and help to transform their classes into an active, engaging, and lively environment where students are engaged, cared for, and motivated.
The partaker will generate and deliver Flipped Learning lessons, then contemplate what went well and what didn’t. In the course, the partaker will observe what and why they do things with the end outcome of becoming an Expert Flipped Learning Practitioner.
The evaluator will assist as a guide to help ensure the partaker’s success. Each partaker will need to generate a comprehensive document with external links to other media so that the assessors or evaluators can see how they presently flip their class.
2. EDUO 9086: Music and Rhythm in the Early Childhood Classroom
Improve the learning in your Early Childhood Classroom with music and rhythm. Discover how young beginners’ pre-reading skills, comprehension, engagement, classroom management, and behavior progress through music and rhythm. You will study and curate examples of music and rhythm to include in your existing curriculum and components of study. Partakers can be present teaching in an Early Childhood classroom or have a musical background to profit from this process.
3. EDUO 9096: Emphatic Teaching
Educators go all-out to generate a positive culture and solid learning community in each classroom and school.
They want their pupils to feel safe, learn, and grow. Empathy is the requirement. Learn the three types of empathy and how they can interweave with your syllabus and learning environment so that all students or pupils have the chance for success.
4. EDUO 9101: Fundamentals of Google Docs and Drive
Instructors have always held the key to student success – but in the digital age and time, they need to grow and develop new skills and educational insights to teach, work and learn efficiently. Google Docs and Drive provide the perfect set of tools for teachers and students to use in the classroom, allowing them to generate documents, spreadsheets, presentations, surveys, and quizzes quickly and easily. Moreover, it allows instant collaboration, with documents being saved and stored automatically. With this course, teachers will become proficient in using the collaborative functions of Drive and Docs, learning to store, share and comment with peers and their instructor. As the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) states, “it is paramount that teachers have the abilities and behaviors of digital age experts. Furthermore, teachers must become comfortable co-learners with their students and colleagues worldwide.”
The main reason for this course is to provide enrollees with a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of Google and its applications in an educational setting. Precisely, participants will:
• Practice creating Documents, Sheets, Presentations, Forms, and Drawings.
• Gain an understanding of the fundamentals of Cloud computing services.
• Discover how to store, share, collaborate, and make use of commenting on documents. • Interact with the instructor on course assignments and when additional assistance is needed.
• Learn how Google Docs and Drive/Classroom enable students and teachers to create, share and collaborate in the virtual world with minimal costs and equipment.
5. EDUO 9143: Creating and Maintaining the Technology-Infused Classroom
This course provides teachers with the guidance and resources to integrate technology into their classroom curriculum and delivery successfully. Considering ISTE Standards, the course will help teachers develop and perfect their teaching methods to facilitate student learning best. By creating a teacher-guided environment and incorporating online tools, apps, and instructional lessons, educators can help their students become successful and responsible digital learners. As technology becomes increasingly prevalent, this course will enable teachers to embrace the digital student’s affinity with technology and foster their growth in a digitally connected world.
The course Objectives
At the end of this course or program, students will be able to:
• Recognize and identify the different teacher and student technology-based tools, apps, connectivity, facilities, and resources available in and outside of their classroom
• Explore and assess technology tools and online resources that meet curriculum standards and objectives
• Generate and disseminate technology-based activities and products
• Comprehend the significance of a teacher’s role in successfully incorporating technology into the curriculum.
6. EDUO 9153: Video Toolbox
Using video in the classroom is one of the most excellent and potent instructional resources a teacher can apply. Explore various tools, approaches, and concepts for integrating video into your classroom. Learn how classroom video projects teach students to plan, organize, write, communicate, collaborate, and analyze. Discover how video production consents students to express themselves as efficiently via moving images as with the written word.
7. EDUO 9154: Building a Google Integrated Classroom
This class discovers the potential for using Google web-based applications for instructors and in the classroom. Google provides plenty of tools that could be used in an educational environment.
Through the course, partakers will discover the use and classroom application of Google Docs, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Draw, Forms and Sites. These tools provide excellent output as web-based applications and as collaborative elements. Other Google tools include Google Maps, Photos, Keep, Blogger, Chrome Extensions Classroom, Google Calendar, and Google+.
8. EDUO 9174: Personalized Learning
Scrutinize the current best practices for personalized learning of students in K-12 classrooms. Explore and discover aspects of theory, tools, research, policy, and practice with personalized learning and grow a modified personal learning action plan for the classroom.
9. EDUO 9200: Balanced Literacy: The Reader’s Workshop
In this course, the educators will explore the components of Balanced Literacy, including the reader’s and writer’s workshop models. Their goal is to develop lifetime readers and thinkers by exposing students to various genres and styles of literature. We will also discuss how to generate effective mini-lessons, group students effectively, and plan guided reading lessons.
By the end of Session 1, participants will be able to
Identify the components of balanced literacy, including
• Read-aloud
• Independent reading
• Guided reading
• Response to literature, and
• Reading conferences.
By the end of Session 2, participants will be able to:
• Explore the structure and format of the mini-lesson in the reader’s workshop model.
• Inspect the structure and format of a mini-lesson in the reader’s workshop model.
• Determine teacher or anchor texts to support the lesson.
• Assess the effectiveness of a mini-lesson.
After Session 3, participants will have the skills to
• Create guided reading groups tailored to meet their students’ individual needs.
• They will understand the principles of balanced literacy and be able to assess students’ reading levels.
• Additionally, they will be able to recognize the characteristics of students at different reading levels and plan instruction accordingly.
• All of this will be done using the provided materials.
• Morning in a Kindergarten Classroom
• A Literacy Program in a Kindergarten to First-Grade Classroom
• Balanced Literacy in a Second-Grade Classroom Over Two and a Half Hours
Professional Development Materials
• Annotated with Essential Questions and Supplementary Resources
• Inquiry Questions, Menu of Essential Concepts, and Related Resources
10. EDUO 9090: Phonemic Awareness for Early Childhood Education
Explore how Phonemic Awareness, the skill or ability to blend, isolate, segment, and manipulate the individual sounds of spoken language, directly affects children’s achievement with phonics and is a critical predictor of reading skill. Explore the several skills that build Phonemic Awareness and research conducted to teach these skills in your Early Childhood classroom. Participants will generate an idea to include these new activities in their current Early Childhood curriculum.
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The demand for online courses for teachers is steadily increasing; therefore, we have given an overview of some of the best online 3-credit courses for teachers, including an overview of the course content and the potential benefits of each after thorough research to meet your needs. With this information, teachers can make an informed decision when enrolling in online courses, ensuring they receive the education and qualifications they need to enhance their teaching careers.
Note: If you have questions or corrections regarding this post, kindly use the comment box below.
I love the three credit courses for teachers training.
Good article
Nice 👍
Remarkable and explicit information
Nice blog. Keep the flag flying
Great article 🙌🏼
Great article
I found the article on 10 best 3-credit courses for teachers to be informative and helpful. I would recommend it to anyone looking to improve their teaching skills. The courses listed are high-quality and accessible online
Thank you dear
Great one
Nice post
Great. Thanks for the info
Nice article
This is awesome
Good article